UK Friends of Standing Together

Standing Together’s statement on new ceasefire proposal (2 June)

“This is a moment to act urgently to save lives.”

Standing Together’s statement responding to the latest ceasefire and hostage-release proposal announced by US President Joe Biden.

Anyone who has been chanting “ceasefire now” or “bring them home” over the past eight months must support Biden’s proposal for Israel & Hamas. No deal is perfect – but this is not a moment to seek perfection – it is a moment to act urgently to save lives.

Those who are waiting for a day when Hamas disappears or surrenders, or who think that either side can “win” this war, are stuck in a delusion that has already cost everyone far too much.

A continuation of this war is bad for both Israelis and Palestinians. Anyone who still doesn’t think this is clear is either not paying attention, or is only listening to the people who don’t actually care about us.

Agreeing to this deal is the first step. It is a chance to give relief to all those suffering, an opportunity to rebuild, and it has the potential to be the start of a long process toward a better future – a future of justice, peace, equality and security for all.