UK Friends of Standing Together

Fire Brigades Union to discuss support for Standing Together at annual conference

The Fire Brigades Union (FBU) will meet for its annual conference from 22-24 in Blackpool. The policy paper on Israel/Palestine submitted to the conference by the union’s Executive Committee includes support for Standing Together.

The paper, which can be read on the FBU’s website here, says: “FBU supports the small but growing movement in Israel, opposing the war and calling for a just, peaceful and democratic solution addressing the rights of the Palestinian people. The union pays tribute to those in Israel such as Standing Together, who fight against racism and discrimination and seek to build dialogue and unity between Palestinians and Jews. Despite the current isolation of such initiatives, they offer a source of hope for the future.”

If the policy is passed, the FBU would become the first UK trade union to vote to support Standing Together at national level. Other trade union bodies which have voted to support Standing Together include the London Transport Regional Council of the National Union of Rail, Maritime, and Transport workers (RMT), following a motion from the union’s Bakerloo line branch.

If you’re active in a trade union, please propose a motion supporting Standing Together in your branch. There’s a model text you can adapt here.